Direct Sales to a Subscriber $6.00 per month/ per subscriber
Indirect Sale as "Influencer" $4.00 per month/per subscriber

Profit Sharing Pool* $5.00 per month/ per subscriber

* The full and cpmplete policies replated to Profit-Sharing (PSP) is available by request at To qualify for the PSP, you must have 2,000+ subscribers in your group of Direct Sales or first level Indirect Sales by the end of the month.

EXAMPLE: Ken sent his website to Phil and Phil signed up to be a customer, Ken will receive $6 per month each month that Phil pays his bill to CUE. Ken made a direct Sale to Phil.

Ken "influenced" the Blood N Fire Ministy (BNF) to sign up as an ISA Fundraising Group. BNF reaches out to its donor group of 15,000 people and 1,000 signed up in the first month. BNF will be compensated through donation $6,000 for that month. Ken will be compensated $4,000 that month that month through the efforts of BNF. Neither Ken OR BNF has qualified for the Profit-Sharing Pool (PSP)

The following month, BNF added an additional 2,800 subscribers for a total 3,800 subscribers and will be compensated $22,800 and Ken will be compensated $15,200 as in ' Influencer' and assisting BNF to reach their goals. At 3,800 subscribers both BNF and David have ONE seat in the PSP. The PSP would have $19,000 in it from David and BNF alone. If they were the ONLY 2 people in the PSP, they would split the pool evening for a Bonus of $9,500;

There is no ceiling to the income you can generate as an ISA.

Terms & Disclaimers